A six-week pilot program offering free electric vehicle rides in West Palm Beach began on April 8 and will end on May 19.
Palm Beach is contributing $30,000 to increase the number of vehicles provided by free-ride service Circuit. Two vehicles have been added during the pilot. The goal is to improve transportation and reduce parking demand. To request a ride, users can download the Ride Circuit app. The service covers most of downtown West Palm Beach and Palm Beach. The pilot project is a partnership between the town, the Palm Beach Chamber of Commerce, Worth Avenue Association, and Palm Beach Midtown Business Association. Circuit ridership has risen 63% over the past year, from 7,098 rides in March of last year to 11,606 unique passengers last month, totaling 129,012 rides in the 12-month span. However, the service has reached capacity, prompting the pilot program to address parking and demand challenges by adding more vehicles to the fleet. Continue to watch circuit grow at @ride_circuit